Thursday 11 July 2013

An ideal day

There can be few more lovely ways to spend an hour or so than sitting  outside a beautiful country pub .... and this is the Crown somewhere in the Cotswolds.

The hanging baskets were full of geraniums and the like ...

 ... and the views were lovely too.

And what better to look at than Selvedge, my favourite journal - it's arrival is always an occasion for me. This month's cover is up to the usual standard - it is the pictures and the layout that make it special for me.  The articles tend to be fairly short - I would often like more depth - but two that stood out for me this time were: 

'Peruvian Featherwork', a brief excerpt from a book of that name by Heidi King (I am adding that to my 'oh-if-only- I could afford it wishlist). 

'Panos de Terra: slave made fabric in Cape Verde' was a good read, a geographical area I knew nothing about.

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